Wednesday 31 October 2012

Happy Halloween!

During our work time today some children were interested in doing some science experiments.  We linked this to Halloween by calling it 'making potions'. 

Friday 12 October 2012

Wear it pink!

A big thank you to all the efforts the primary 1 families have gone to.  We managed to raise £64! It was great to see everyone joining in with the spirit of the day.  We talked a lot about how we are helping others and linked this to how super heroes help people to, so obviously that sealed our 'super' status. 
We visited the other classes to give a fashion show of our outfits and super hero masks.  In class we made pink truffles and ate them together - here are some photos of us preparing them. 

I'd also like to say well done primary one! You have all worked really hard this term and I'm looking forward to seeing you again in a couple of weeks.  Enjoy your holidays - you have all earned a nice rest :)

Tuesday 9 October 2012

Friday: Wear it pink!

You should have had a letter home tonight to remind you about this Friday's fun.  Nursery and Primary 1 are helping to raise money for Breast Cancer Campaign "Get your cash to the cure".  We are asking the children to wear something pink and bring £2 or any donation.  One of the slogans is 'anyone can be a superhero' so you could use this within your pink theme if you like.  In class we will be making and decorating our own super hero masks - so if your child does not have anything pink, we can provide them with a mask in class. 

Tuesday language work

Here are some of our language activities.  We have been talking and listening, writing, reading and making letters. 

Tuesday 2 October 2012

Monday in class.

Here are some activities from today.  I have seen good team work, sharing, writing and we had fun in the hall too. 

Tuesday's learning

Here are some pictures of todays letter time; we were looking at the letter K. Earlier in the day we were sorting items by colour.  Some children wanted a BIG challenge - you can see how many things they had on the table. 

Monday 1 October 2012