Friday 30 November 2012

Our classroom visitor

Yesterday our class had a mysterious visitor.  We came back to class after break to find a trail of glitter and jewels leading up to an open window.  Beside the window we found a silver and pink wand.  Who was in our classroom?
We became detectives and looked for clues.  Then we shared our ideas and drew pictures of what we thought had happened.
Today after break time we found the window open again with a little note tied with a shiny pink ribbon - It was from the Christmas fairy!
Mystery solved.  I wonder if she will come back for a visit.
Here are some pictures of us looking for the visitor and finding our clues.

Tuesday 27 November 2012

Today's maths

Today we were learning about solid shapes.  We learned the words cube, cuboid, sphere and cone.  Then we had a challenge to match these shapes.  Here are some children sorting the solid shapes.

Friday 23 November 2012

The Nativity - costume help

Today we did a run through of our Nativity, with all the songs.  The class have worked so hard, well done Primary 1!  I now have scripts for anyone with a speaking part.  Unfortunately it is still sitting on my desk - must remember to hand them out on Monday.
I have costumes for most children but wondered if you could help with ideas for a few.  I need to kit out 2 camels and 2 Roman guards  Does anyone have any costumes at home or good ideas?

Wednesday 21 November 2012

2D shapes

We have been learning about 2D (flat) shapes this week.  Today we were using them to make models and pictures.  Some were very imaginative - have a look.

Monday 19 November 2012

P1 Pudseys!

Well done to everyone who helped raise money for Children In Need!  P4/3 did a fantastic job of organising the day - the school raised £360! Here are the primary 1 Pudseys.

Thursday 15 November 2012

Special Visitor!

Today we were very lucky at Stromness Primary School, we had a special visitor.....PUDSEY!

Wednesday 14 November 2012

Starting Jolly Phonics

Next Monday (19th November)  I will hold a parent's information meeting about Jolly Phonics.  I will be telling you what your children will be learning, what will be coming home and ideas for how you can help.  I will be making up a Jolly phonics pack for everyone so even if you can't make the evening, you will still get the information home, but if you're like me you might prefer to see what I'm talking about rather than reading about it.
If you have older children in the school you may already be familiar with how Jolly phonics helps children learn their letters and how to read and write words. 
We will meet in my p1 classroom at 6pm - I'm hoping to keep this to half an hour. 

Monday 12 November 2012


This is a little reminder about tonight.  On your newsletter I mentioned that we would have a rep from Oxford Reading Tree with us tonight.  She will be doing a short presentation (about half an hour) to parents about this new reading scheme, how it will be used and how you can support your child.
This will be in the P1 classroom at 6pm.  We aim to be finished by 6.30 because some people need to be at parent council for 6.30pm.