Wednesday 19 December 2012

I'm very proud of you all Primary 1's! Thank you for working so hard on your Nativity, I hope your families had fun watching you. 

Tuesday 18 December 2012


We had a real audience today to practice our Nativity - thank you very much! We are now ready for our performance tomorrow at the Stromness Primary School Christmas Service.  It will start at 2pm in the Church and we should be finished around 3.15 in time to get the children back to school to be collected.

I would like to thank families for all there hard work in helping children learn their lines, it has really helped us.

Tonight a consent letter was put home so that I can take the class to the Town Hall for a 'cinema experience' on Thursday morning (This was their present from Santa) - some children have a lot of pictures etc in their bags so I wanted to highlight to you that it was in there.

Here is a little pic with some of P1 in their costumes waiting to perform.

Monday 17 December 2012

Tomorrow's Nativity practise

We will be having a practise of the Nativity in the school hall tomorrow after break - not in the church as originally thought.  I had no time for making a letter today but didn't want families to miss out on catching a sneaky peek if they wanted - so if you would like to come and be our audience we will be ready in the hall at 11.30.  It runs for about 20 minutes so we won't keep you long.

On Wednesday the school will be performing in the church at 2pm.  Primary children will be collected from the school gate as normal on this day.

Our secret trip:  Santa gave primary 1 their present today, we will be turning the town hall into a little cinema on Thursday morning so we can watch a Christmas movie.  We will have snacks and drinks too and are very much looking forward to it.

Busy day!

Today was a packed day culminating in our Christmas party.  The kids were brilliant and used lovely manners to show how much they appreciated the hard work gone in to running it.
Here are some pictures of us having fun at the party.  We played games, danced, had some food and had a special visitor!

Friday 14 December 2012

Next week - dates for diaries.

Next week will be very busy for primary 1.  On Monday afternoon we will have our Christmas party!  We will play games, dance, chat to our friends and have some yummy snacks.
On Tuesday we will go to the church in the afternoon (we hope) to do a dress rehearsal of our Nativity - When this is confirmed I will send a letter home for consent and to invite you for a sneaky peak.  However a lot of the time will be spent getting into the correct places because we haven't worked in the church before.
Wednesday we will be performing our Nativity to everyone from 2-3.15 in the church.
Thursday I have a little trip planned as a special surprise for primary 1 - again, this will be in a letter on Monday, it's still top secret!
I hope you all have a lovely weekend and can get the batteries charged up for next week.
Mrs Kirkpatrick

Tuesday 4 December 2012

The new school.

Today we had a lovely visit to the new school.  We walked the safe route to school, used the zebra crossing, learned which gate to go through, saw some cool things in our playground, found out the way we come in to school, saw our new classroom, had a tour of the school and even saw some seals in the beach!  We are all very excited to get in now.
Here are some pictures of our trip today.

Monday 3 December 2012

Visit to the new school!

Tomorrow I'm taking the class to see their new school! (Depending on the weather).  They will get to see the playground, the way they go in, their cloakroom, classroom and have a general tour of the building.  Could you please make sure that your child wears their yellow hi-vis vest tomorrow.

There will be a note tomorrow about the Christmas disco on Thursday night.  P1-3's disco is at 6-7pm and the P4-7's party is 7-8.30.  Talk to your child if it is their first disco and explain that it will be loud with flashing lights just so they are prepared.  I will be at the disco to help so they know they can come to me for any help.