Wednesday 20 March 2013

Reading skills.

This week in primary 1 we have been using books a lot.  We have done work on our reading books and used castle books to help us with our topic.
"I can find facts in a book" - The class have had to find 3 jobs that happened in castles.

We have used our reading books to follow instructions, put events in the right order and look for clues.

Friday 15 March 2013

Red Nose Day

Wow, what an action packed day.  Well done to everyone who worked so hard to raise lots of money.  The whole school had lots of fun watching the talent show.  P1 had 2 acts in the show - Stella Shiner sang Lady Ga Ga's Bad Romance and Tom Reid was the new 007, showing us his stunts.

When the class returned  before lunch time we looked at how the money they raised helped other children.  We looked at photographs and talked about how our houses and lives are different.  After this some children said they still had money left and wanted to give it to help the other children.  Primary 1 were very kind and generous, we are very proud of them.  They managed to raise over £34 just by themselves!  Well done and thank you.

Our learning and achievements this week.

Maths:  We have been learning about symmetry recently.  I thought I would share some photographs of what we were doing.

Writing:  This week we had a treasure chest arrive in class!  We have used this as a stimulus for writing.  We had a look at all the items in the chest and had a chance to explore them and to talk about it with our friends. Now that we have lots of ideas buzzing around, we will write our stories next week.  Here are some pictures of us exploring the chest.

Tuesday 12 March 2013

Early years sums.

In primary 1, most children have been working on sums to 5 and from the learning log you will see that children are thinking carefully about what helps them to do their sums.  Here is what they have come up with this week:  Children choose to do counting in their heads, using their fingers, pencils, ladybirds with spots or by drawing coloured dots.  
Here are some children using their strategies.