Monday 9 December 2013

School Closure Activities

School Closure Activities

In the event of a school closure here is a list of different activities to do at home.

1.   Read a book and write a ‘book review’ detailing why you liked the book and writing about some of your favourite parts.

2.   Write an exciting story – you could use your character you’ve made in school or create something entirely new.  Why not look out your window for some ideas.

3.   If the weather is snowy then build a snowman.  See if  you can build it more than a meter tall and make sure you give him eyes, nose, a mouth and a hat and scarf to keep him warm.  Take a picture to show us when we go back to school!

4.   Another snow activity – try and find out the best way to make snowballs.  Is it easier to make them with or without gloves?  What kind of gloves are best to use?  Show someone at home how to make one!

5.   Play some counting games.  Share out objects between everyone at home.  Create addition sums with items you can find around the house.  Practice your number ordering by setting out objects, counting things or just saying your numbers out loud!

6.   Keep a diary of what you have been up to while the school is closed.

7.   Have a look out your window and create a picture of what you can see.  You could use all kinds of different ways to create your picture like pens, pencil or even scraps of paper and materials you have at home!