Monday 24 March 2014

Ross Collins Visit

Today we had a fantastic afternoon with the Author and Illustrator Ross Collins!  He visited us to tell us about being an illustrator and author.  It was very interesting and we really enjoyed his visit.  He told us that he really enjoys doing the illustrations for books and he drew us some characters which we have put on the wall.

He read us some of his stories then showed us his portfolio which had his drawings from all the different stages of his books.  He showed us the first drawings he does and then the ones he puts all the colour in.  They were very nice drawings and it was interesting seeing them on a big sheet out of the books!
Ross spoke to us about his book Dear Vampa - it's one of our favourites.  He started off by telling us that he needed to do a lot of research about Vampires and that he couldn't understand how much children knew about vampires.  He said the only reason he could think why children knew so much about vampires is because we are all vampires!  Then he tested us with some 'holy water'!  If we flinched we were vampires!  It made us all giggle!
We really did have a great afternoon and Ross really inspired us to think about being authors and illustrators when we are older!  We hope he will come back and visit Stromness Primary again!

Sunday 23 March 2014

Super Sports Relief

On Friday we had lots of fun raising money for Sports Relief.  Primary 7 had organised a great afternoon of events in the school.  We all dressed up in sporty clothes  - we even had a jouster in Primary 2!  We had a go on lots of the stalls but our favourite was Soak the Teacher!  Mr McIntosh was the prime target and although some of us in P2 didn’t look strong we got the sponges right on target!  A big thank you to Primary 7 and Mrs Leitch for organising such a great afternoon and raising money for a very worthy cause. 

Thursday 20 March 2014

Printing at the Pier!

Yesterday we went to the Pier Arts Centre to take part in a workshop with the staff there.  Here we are getting ready to look at some artwork and create some art of our own.  In the background you can see the piece of art which was used to inspire us! 

We created a print as our piece of art.  First a group had to make the background.  We used very thick paint and rollers to make our prints on fabric. 

Then the next two groups added on details by making patterns in polystyrene and then putting the paint on them and using the roller to press the paint onto the fabric.  We thought about designs like the sea and we also thought about symmetrical patterns as we have been learning about symmetry in maths!

It was a great experience and we are very thankful to the Pier Arts Centre for letting us come and make such a great piece of artwork.  The pieces which P2 and the rest of the school have made will be on display from this Saturday with the preview beginning at 2pm!  Come along and see what you think of our work! 

Wednesday 12 March 2014

Symmetry in the Sun!

Today we took advantage of the glorious sunshine and went outside to do some learning about symmetry.  We used chalk to draw shapes and find the line of symmetry. Then we added detail on both sides so they were symmetrical! It was great to be out learning in the sunshine.  It made it so much easier!  We know that both sides of something have to be exactly the same or else it isn't symmetrical.  It was a bit tricky at times to keep things the same on the bumpy ground but we managed!

Friday 7 March 2014

Wonderful World Book Day!

What fun we had yesterday on World Book Day!  We dressed up, spoke about books, listened to stories and watched P5's excellent assembly where they gave us a character quiz and read us stories!  Here are some pictures of us in our wonderful costumes!
Daisy, The Swan Princess and The Tiger who Came to Tea.
The Mouse from the Gruffalo, Funnybones and Matilda.
Spiderman, Ally the Dolphin Fairy and Cinderella.
Tigger, Heather the Violet Fairy and Buzz Lightyear.
Spiderman, Doc McStuffin and Super Soccer Boy.
Little Red Riding Hood and Spiderman.
Ashley the Cheerleader and Fern from Charlotte's Web.
The whole school made lots of effort to dress up and we had a great day so thank you to everyone who helped with costumes and accessories!  Here's a whole class photo and there seems to be a very fluffy Cat in the Hat in the picture!