Wednesday 18 June 2014

Class Assembly Reminder

Just a reminder that our Class Assembly is tomorrow afternoon at 2:45pm.  Come along and hear what we have learned about Skara Brae!  Phone the school office to book a seat or seats!

Monday 16 June 2014

Sorting Sorting Sorting

This week we are continuing our learning about information and we are sorting items using different criteria.  Miss Shearer gave us different items which we had to sort into two groups.  If we were sorting by a colour, such as red, we had to sort the items into ‘red’ and ‘not red’.  We began by choosing easy criteria such as colour but then we looked in a bit more detail at the different items and the ways they could be sorted.  It was interesting and we showed a good understanding of sorting items.  It was also good fun! 


Wednesday 11 June 2014

Tag Rugby

Today we had our first Tag Rugby session with Mark Sinclair.  It was great fun!  We headed up to the 3G pitch first thing this morning.  Thankfully it was nice and sunny although a little bit windy at times. 

We started off with some warm ups.  We had to run around and swap places in a circle.  Then we had to move like a t-rex, an emu and an ostrich!  It was funny!

Next we got to use rugby balls and learned how to score a ‘try’.  We had to place the ball on the ground carefully and then run.  If we dropped it on the ground then it didn’t count as a try and we wouldn’t have scored any points.

Finally, we used our skills to play Stadium Ball.  We had to try and get our opponents tag before they scored a try.  It was lots of fun too!  We are really looking forward to our next Tag Rugby Session!

Wednesday 4 June 2014

Relaxing in the Library!

We have really enjoyed our Library sessions in Primary Two this year.  We have been working on thinking carefully about what books are suitable for us to read and we know that if 10 or more words are too tricky for us to read on the page then it’s not the right book for us.

We were very excited this week as the Library has just received some new books through the school book fair because parents and pupils bought so many books from the P7’s.  We enjoyed looking through them and deciding which one to take out.  We are also using our new library system to scan out books so the computer knows which books we have out to read! 

Here are some pictures of us enjoying the new books and the facilities in the school library!

Tuesday 3 June 2014

Timing Primary Two

This week we are learning about time in Primary 2.  We are thinking about how long it takes us to do different things and starting to learn about seconds, minutes and hours.  We have been doing some very active activities to help us with our learning. 

1.     How many times can you write your name in a one minute?

2.    Can you wash your hands in 30 seconds?

3.    Can you make a tower in 10 seconds? What about 20 seconds?

4.    How many star jumps can you do in 30 seconds?

5.    Can you close your eyes and open them after exactly one minute?

Why not give some of these a try at home and see how you get on!  If you can think of any more let us know!

Skara Brae Food

We have been learning about what they ate when they lived in Skara Brae.  We found out that they ate the same kinds of groups of things as us such as meat, fish and fowl but that the things in those groups were very different.  We have been thinking about how different the food would have been and we were interested in the fact that they had to catch or make all their own food – they couldn’t just go to Flett’s and buy some sausages! 

To help us think about the differences between our food now and in the Stone Age we made up two different plates – one with our favourite foods from now on it and one which showed what they ate in the Stone Age.  Most of us agreed that we would rather have our plate from now rather than Skara Brae!