Monday 9 November 2015

Firework - Glee (Lyrics on screen)

4 x table

We are practising our 4 x table in primary 4. Lots of extra practise at home is highly recommended. 

Graph work

After our traffic survey earlier in the week we decided to turn our findings into graphs.  We made our own small versions and then worked as bigger groups to make big display versions.  

Cars and road vehicles

In project this week we are learning all about cars and road vehicles. We have been looking at how they work. We looked at you vehicles to explore how they are built. We now know about wheels, chassis and axils. We have been having a go at building our own road vehicles using our knowledge of these features. 

Planning our designs for our models. 

Saturday 31 October 2015

Traffic survey

Today P4 went out to complete a traffic survey on the roads near our school. We visited Ferry Road, Cairston Road and Garson. We used tally marks to record our findings. 

We will turn our information into a graph over the next few days

Friday 30 October 2015

Happy halloween

I hope everyone has a super Halloween tomorrow. 
Thank you to Mrs Gorn for bringing in these super pumpkin oranges for our break. Yum! 

Wednesday 28 October 2015

Welcome back

Today we had an assembly led by Ivor Goodsite. He was telling us all about the work Scottish Water will be undertaking in Stromness over the next 18 months and how we can stay safe around the constructions sites. 

Ivor gave us all a high 5 on the way out too...

Friday 25 September 2015

Roald Dahl Day!

Some of Primary 4 dressed up for Roald Dahl Day!  

Primary 5 started the day off with a super assembly.  Then we completed some Dahl related activities and visited P2's cake morning.

What a fun day! 

Thursday 24 September 2015

What makes a good friend?

Our health and well being lesson this week focused on friendships. We discussed the need for making and keeping friends and how to do this. 

We designed a good friend and have created a friendship display outside the classroom. We will use the information we gathered during this lesson to promote being a good friend in the classroom. 

Healthy Eating Poster Competition

To follow on from the work we completed in the last few weeks on healthy eating and the Eatwell Plate we are entering a food standards agency calendar competition. 
Here we are making our posters. 

The boys were keen to work time! 

Topic Venn Diagram

As part of our Scotland topic we have been comparing Island life to City life. We wrote differences and similarities on post it notes and then sorted the information into a Venn diagram. (A sneaky way of combining Maths and topic at the same time!) 

Lidl Health Bus

Sorry, I was sure I put photos of our visit to the Lidl Heath Bus on our blog a few weeks ago....apparently not!
Better late than never I suppose!

We took part in smoothie making...

Some fun exercise games and we also tested our heart rates using these funky watches...
And we were lucky enough to get a free cook book and smoothie cup. 

Thank you Lidl!!

Monday 14 September 2015

Food Groups

Last week we were learning about the main food groups. We explored the food triangle and the Eatwell plate. We used plastic food to match items to the correct food group. We were good at this. We also played a few games to further develop our knowledge and understanding. 

Wednesday 2 September 2015

New P7 house captains

Well done to the new P7 house captains. 
Each house had the chance to vote for the person they thought would do the best job for their house and the 2 people with most votes got the job. 

Switha-Aimee and Neela
Cava- Tom and Owen
Rysa-Anna and Rebecca
Fara- Daniel and Theresa 

Nessie is taking shape

Our Nessie models are fairly taking shape. Our team work is good and we have shared our idea with each other to produce these super models.

One group has finished their model so they helped to create a large map of Scotland so we can mark on important places and landmarks as we learn them. They used a projector to create a large image on the paper and then drew around it. Miss Kelday is going to cut it out as there are lots of tricky bits. 

Saturday 29 August 2015

Nessie Building

In our topic work we have been learning about the myth of the Loch Ness Monster. We have learned about the location of Loch Ness, its length and depth and also why the water is so black. We have looked at photographs of possible Nessie sightings and have written imaginative stories about what it would be like to spot the monster. In homework we also had the opportunity to design our own mythical creatures. 

To add even more fun to our learning we decided to build some junk models of Nessie. We have made a good start already. 

Active Spelling

We have been practising our spelling words using playdoh this week.