Saturday 29 August 2015

Nessie Building

In our topic work we have been learning about the myth of the Loch Ness Monster. We have learned about the location of Loch Ness, its length and depth and also why the water is so black. We have looked at photographs of possible Nessie sightings and have written imaginative stories about what it would be like to spot the monster. In homework we also had the opportunity to design our own mythical creatures. 

To add even more fun to our learning we decided to build some junk models of Nessie. We have made a good start already. 

Active Spelling

We have been practising our spelling words using playdoh this week. 

Tuesday 25 August 2015


In p4 we are trying hard to improve our handwriting. We are all working on strengthening our joining skills. We do this in many different ways. Here are some pupils practising their joins in the sand tray.

Friday 21 August 2015

P4 bumper crop!

P4 have dug up their crops this week. In P3 they planted tatties, onion and carrots with Mr MacLeod. He helped a few of the boys to dig them up and dish them out between everyone in the class. Everyone got about 5 or 6 tatties and an onion. Unfortunately the carrots didn't work out this year. We have also given a few vegetables to the school kitchen so they can make some soup for dinner next week. 

Thursday 20 August 2015

Welcome Back!

Hello to all P4 families.  It is great to be back at school.  I hope you have all had a wonderful summer full of exciting activities.

I would like to introduce Glen into Primary 4 this year.  He joins us from Edinburgh. P4 have already made him feel very welcome in our class.

Please pop back regularly for a look at what we have been up to in P4.  I aim to share photos, video clips and stories about our learning experiences.