Saturday 31 October 2015

Traffic survey

Today P4 went out to complete a traffic survey on the roads near our school. We visited Ferry Road, Cairston Road and Garson. We used tally marks to record our findings. 

We will turn our information into a graph over the next few days

Friday 30 October 2015

Happy halloween

I hope everyone has a super Halloween tomorrow. 
Thank you to Mrs Gorn for bringing in these super pumpkin oranges for our break. Yum! 

Wednesday 28 October 2015

Welcome back

Today we had an assembly led by Ivor Goodsite. He was telling us all about the work Scottish Water will be undertaking in Stromness over the next 18 months and how we can stay safe around the constructions sites. 

Ivor gave us all a high 5 on the way out too...