Tuesday 19 April 2016

Conflict Resolution

As part of the Battle of Jutland commemorations, SPS are working on developing our skills in the area of conflict resolution. P4 are taking on a project to develop this in the playground setting and are going to be trained up to be mini playground pals alongside the P7's.  We have had some wooden benches made for the playground to use as Buddy Benches. We are working on some designs and will get them painted up soon. 

Viking Voyage to Stromness Library

P4 have had their model longships on display in Stromness Library during the Easter holidays. Sarah from the library told us the the display has attracted lots of visitors to the library so we are keeping there for a bit longer yet. 

 All the boats look super in our mini exhibition! 

Easter Baking

We finished the term off with some Easter fun. We completed an Easter egg hunt around the playground and made some Easter nests. 

Viking History Trip

At the end of term P4 went on a trip to learn more about Viking history in Orkney. First we visited Maeshowe to see the Viking runes left over from when the Vikings broke into the Neolithic cairn to shelter from a snowstorm.  The the Historic Rangers took us on a tour of Kirkwall town and shared lots of historical facts with us before we finished the day with a guided tour of St Magnus Cathedral.  

We also had a bit of free time and Brandyquoy play park.