Wednesday 11 June 2014

Tag Rugby

Today we had our first Tag Rugby session with Mark Sinclair.  It was great fun!  We headed up to the 3G pitch first thing this morning.  Thankfully it was nice and sunny although a little bit windy at times. 

We started off with some warm ups.  We had to run around and swap places in a circle.  Then we had to move like a t-rex, an emu and an ostrich!  It was funny!

Next we got to use rugby balls and learned how to score a ‘try’.  We had to place the ball on the ground carefully and then run.  If we dropped it on the ground then it didn’t count as a try and we wouldn’t have scored any points.

Finally, we used our skills to play Stadium Ball.  We had to try and get our opponents tag before they scored a try.  It was lots of fun too!  We are really looking forward to our next Tag Rugby Session!

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