Friday 28 September 2012

successful learners

We have been working on how to be successful learners.  One aspect of this is "I am creative".  Children showed they could do this by making junk models, stories, pictures, Lego structures and one group made up a show for the class.  I have a clip of the class singing but I can't manage to upload it yet - I'll keep trying next week. 
Here are photos of some of our successful learners.

Thursday 27 September 2012

Rainbow fish assembly

Thank you primary 1 families and friends,
Our class were very excited to see so many people in the audience.  Here are few photos of our assembly. 

Wednesday 26 September 2012

Assembly and Pick up.

Tomorrow is our assembly.  It is at 3pm, feel free to come and watch what we have been doing. 
Children's bags will be packed before assembly so afterward, feel free to take your child to get their coat and bag and take them home.  (Please let me know when you're taking your child).

Art and Technology in early years

Here is some fun we have been having today.
Children have been making their play more interesting by using junk materials.  Some boys were playing with cars and after a chat decided it would be better if they worked together to make garages.  This then turned into joining up to make a robot - I can't wait to see what they come up with tomorrow!

A team began to build a bridge to make their play with cars more interesting.  They had lots of problems to solve but did a good job. 

Here is what they have been covering in the curriculum:
  • Through discovery, natural curiosity and imagination, I explore ways to construct models or solve problems.
  • Throughout my learning, I explore and discover different ways of representing my ideas in imaginative ways.

Friday 21 September 2012


Some children wanted talking parts in our assembly. We have been working on them in class but I meant to send them home tonight too but it slipped my mind! I'll make sure children have them on Monday so they can do extra practise at home. The assembly is this Thursday at 3pm. Families and friends are welcome to attend, hope to see you there.

Friday 14 September 2012

Primary 1 have been going crazy over numbers! Here is some of our hard work.

Thursday 13 September 2012

We are in the paper today so look out for our cheesy grins : D

Monday 10 September 2012

We will soon be performing our assembly to the school and primary 1 families.  We will be singing the song from Toy Story 'You gotta friend in me'. 
To help children learn this song, I thought I would share it with you so they could listen to it at home too.
Here is a link to the song (I hope!).

The assembly is Thursday 27th September at 3pm.  Friends and family are welcome to attend. 

Friday 7 September 2012

Language work in primary 1

Look how busy primary 1 have been. This is us learning how to write letters. 

Monday 3 September 2012

Monday 3rd September

Today is the first time our class will be at school for the whole day! We look forward to meeting you all again at 3.30 at the gate. 

The photographer for the Orcadian will be here at half 11, so keep an eye out for us in the paper. 

I would like to say a big thank you to all p1 families for filling in the dinner choices, labelling your children's clothes and keeping me up to date with the home/school book - it has been a big help.