Thursday 28 February 2013

P1 Assembly and open day.

I'd like to thank parents for coming to visit us yesterday and for all the encouragement given.  The children said today they really liked sharing their work.
It is our assembly next Thursday and I'm aware there might be some of you who did not have the chance to come in and see your child's work, so someone asked if they could stay a little after the assembly to have a look - I thought this was a good idea.
So if any other parents missed out yesterday but will be here for the assembly, I can stay in class until 3.45 for you and your child to look at their work.

Tonight some song words came home with a web address for our assembly song - here is the link - enjoy!

Monday 25 February 2013

P1 Assembly

On Thursday 7th March primary 1 will be performing an assembly! It will be about World book day. Families are welcome to join us and watch from 3pm in the hall. The children have been planning what to say and do for the assembly and many of them would like to dress up as their favourite book/story character. If your child will be dressing up, could they please bring their costume in on Tuesday the 6th for our dress rehearsal? I'm sure you will see on the homework that they also need to bring in their favourite book and decide what they would like to say about it. We look forward to seeing you next week.

Thursday 14 February 2013

Our learning this week.

Primary one have worked very hard this week!  Here are some of the things we have been learning about

  • Question marks - when to use them and how to draw one (We have now written questions to Balfour castle to link in with our project.)
  • We have been writing the tricky words (dark ones) from our reading tubs to help us to recognise them. 
  • Solving number problems - how many different sums can you come up with for the number 3?  
  • Measuring - We baked pancakes on Tuesday afternoon and learnt why people give things up for Lent. 
  • Shields with symmetry - the children knew the shield had to look the same on both halves.  
Here are some pictures of us learning: 

And it is only Thursday, still more to do tomorrow!  
The children have been talking about their homework in class and I look forward to seeing it tomorrow.  

Hope you enjoy the Valentines disco tonight!  

Sunday 3 February 2013

Tuesday Book Bug Launch

Hi, this is just a little reminder about the Book Bug Launch on Tuesday afternoon.
You will get to hear the 3 stories your child will be taking home and get ideas of how to encourage them to interact with the book.
After this there will be fun activities set up all around the classroom for you to enjoy with your child, all relating to the books you will be taking home.
Next we will have the big vote!  The Scottish Book Trust want children to vote on their favourite book in the pack.  Each child will have a voting slip in their pack to complete.
Then it will be home time :)

Come to the classroom at 2pm and we will finish up at the end of the day - but feel free to leave at any point if you have other things to do. 
We are all looking forward to seeing you and it is another nice chance to see in our new classroom - it's quite different from the open day!

Mrs K.