Thursday 14 February 2013

Our learning this week.

Primary one have worked very hard this week!  Here are some of the things we have been learning about

  • Question marks - when to use them and how to draw one (We have now written questions to Balfour castle to link in with our project.)
  • We have been writing the tricky words (dark ones) from our reading tubs to help us to recognise them. 
  • Solving number problems - how many different sums can you come up with for the number 3?  
  • Measuring - We baked pancakes on Tuesday afternoon and learnt why people give things up for Lent. 
  • Shields with symmetry - the children knew the shield had to look the same on both halves.  
Here are some pictures of us learning: 

And it is only Thursday, still more to do tomorrow!  
The children have been talking about their homework in class and I look forward to seeing it tomorrow.  

Hope you enjoy the Valentines disco tonight!  

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