Saturday 31 August 2013

Welcome to Primary 2!

We have had a brilliant two weeks in Primary Two so far!  A really great start to the term.  We have been getting to know Miss Shearer and have been settling into all the Primary 2 routines! We have had visits from buses, had some choosing time and had all kinds of active learning in the classroom! Here are some collages of our first two weeks at school.  Miss Shearer will be updating the blog every week (hopefully!) with information about what we are learning and lots of pictures so keep checking back!

The Play, Talk, Read Bus.  We had great fun singing songs on the bus!  We especially enjoyed the sleeping bunnies on the blue material!

The Challenger 4 Bus.  We also really enjoyed our visit to the Challenger Bus where we found about different Bible stories and got to play some fun games.  Our favourite bit was definitely the puppet show about the Good Shepherd and his Lost Sheep!

We have been doing lots of active learning in maths and exploring adding and subtracting sums.  Here is some photos of our activities!

Finally after all our hard work we needed some Golden Time!  We are really enjoying playing in our shop and we are always finding ways to make new tracks with the marble run!

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