Monday 30 September 2013

All Things Owl!

Last Wednesday we had a visit from RSPB Field Teacher Amy Malcolm.  She came to tell us all about animals that come out at night - nocturnal animals.  We learned about different kinds of nocturnal animals and how they use their senses to help them find their way around in the dark.  We were most interested in Owls and Amy took in some owl pellets to dissect.  We found out that Owl eat their food whole and then cough up the bones and fur in a pellet.  We used cocktail sticks to dissect the pellets and we took out all the little bones.  It was a little bit yucky but once we started to find all the bones we got very excited.  We all found loads of bones in our little pellets and we got a sheet to see if we could find out what animal the bones were from.  It was lots of fun and we really enjoyed being bone detectives!  We also got to make clay owls which we are going to decorate and take home with us before the holidays.  Here are some pictures of us hard at the dissecting!  Don't look too closely if you are squeamish! 

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