Friday 11 October 2013

Happy Holidays!

We've had a brilliant first term in P2!  We've been really busy learning and getting into the routines we have in P2!  We've also had lots and lots of fun!

I hope you all have a lovely holiday and will look forward to hearing all your news when you all come back to school! 

Owl Painting

When Amy Malcolm visited us she gave us some clay and made peedie owls with us.  This week we painted them!   They are looking very owl like!  Thanks again to Amy for coming in to visit us and having so much fun with us!

Tuesday 8 October 2013

Orienteering in P2

Today Mr Bingham came into our class and told us that he had spoken to some very worried parents in the playground who couldn't find their children and their children's friends.  It turned out that it was Biff, Chip and Kipper's Mum and Dad.  Mr Bingham asked us if we could have a look for them in the playground.  When we found them we had to stick a special sticker on them to show that we had found them!  It was lots of fun!  We worked very quickly and found them all!  P2 would like to thank Mr Bingham for organising such a fun activity! 

John Rae's Fiddle

As part of our John Rae week, Mark Shiner (Stella's Dad!), came into school to talk to us about John Rae's fiddle.  He fixed it up and made it work again after over 100 years!  It was very interesting and we got to hear a clip of the fiddle being played.  We found out that it had strings made out of 'guts' and that's why it sounded a little bit different to the fiddles we listen to today!

Wednesday 2 October 2013

John Rae Week continues...

Today we have been learning lots about John Rae and his life!  This morning we had a visit from Sheila Garson who told us all about John Rae when he was a peedie boy.  We learned that his life was very different from ours and that he loved to be outside doing things.  He had a boat and he could hunt and shoot things from when he was very young.  We saw some pictures of him from a book.  It was great to hear all about his early life.

In the afternoon we had a visit from Tom Muir who told us all about John Rae's life as an explorer.  We found out that he was a qualified surgeon by the time he was 19 and that he went on many expeditions.  We also learned that he know how to make houses out of snow and that on one expedition he used tin plates as oars on his boat as they didn't have any!  It was very interesting to hear all about his adventures in a different country. 

We are looking forward to the rest of John Rae week and all the activities that are planned!