Wednesday 2 October 2013

John Rae Week continues...

Today we have been learning lots about John Rae and his life!  This morning we had a visit from Sheila Garson who told us all about John Rae when he was a peedie boy.  We learned that his life was very different from ours and that he loved to be outside doing things.  He had a boat and he could hunt and shoot things from when he was very young.  We saw some pictures of him from a book.  It was great to hear all about his early life.

In the afternoon we had a visit from Tom Muir who told us all about John Rae's life as an explorer.  We found out that he was a qualified surgeon by the time he was 19 and that he went on many expeditions.  We also learned that he know how to make houses out of snow and that on one expedition he used tin plates as oars on his boat as they didn't have any!  It was very interesting to hear all about his adventures in a different country. 

We are looking forward to the rest of John Rae week and all the activities that are planned!

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