Thursday 30 January 2014

Mapping Stromness

We are busy creating a map mural of Stromness on our classroom door and it is really beginning to take shape! 
We are going to paint the door to show the landscape of Stromness and then we are going to mark where our houses are and where the shops and buildings that we know are.
We think it is going to look great when it is finished!

Measuring Area

This week we have been learning about measuring area!  It has been quite tricky and we’ve had to think carefully about how we measure area but we have got the hang of it now!  We measured our tables with pieces of paper to find the area of each table.  Then we worked with cubes and shapes to find the area of one piece of paper.  We had to concentrate quite hard on counting when we used cubes! 
We have done some really good learning in our maths measure topic and are confident at measuring lots of different things! 


The Hamnavoe Returns

We were excited last Friday to see the new look Hamnavoe arriving at the Pier!  We braved the blustery wind and went outside to watch it come in.  We are really looking forward to going on our trip to see the Hamnavoe in a few weeks! 

Wednesday 22 January 2014

The Jumblebum Beast!

This morning we had class gym and we changed in the classroom leaving our clothes lying all around the room and because there was so much mess a Jumblebum Beast appeared in our classroom!  What a fright we got when we arrived back from gym to find him sitting in front of the board!  We were a bit scared to begin with but we changed and tidied up really quickly! 

It turned out that he was actually just a pretend Jumblebum that the boys and girls in the nursery had made.  They put him in the classroom to give us a surprise!  It made us chuckle and was very exciting!  We did think carefully thought that we better keep our rooms tidy just incase a Jumblebum does appear! 

Thank you to the nursery for giving us a nice surprise! 
 Us with the Jumblebum Beast!
We're doing our best Jumblebum faces!  

Tuesday 21 January 2014

Scottish Children's Book Awards

We are going to be taking part in the Scottish Children’s Book Awards.  To do this we have been busy reading the books which are up for nomination.  We had to think about what makes a good book and then we listened to the stories and decided which one we thought deserved the award.  The books are all really good and each one is different which makes choosing only one very hard!  You can watch the three Authors reading their books through following website if you fancy watching them at home!

See which one you like best!


Wednesday 15 January 2014

More Measuring!

We are continuing our learning about measuring this week.  We learned lots about measuring lengths last week and today we started learning about how to measure the weight of something.  Miss Shearer asked us if we would rather have the weight of a car or the weight of ourselves in chocolate.  We all decided that we would rather have the weight of a car in chocolate as it is heavier!  Then we used balances to do lots of measuring of different weights of things.  We were investigating how to use the balances and that we need to make both sides balance to find the weight of something.  It was really good fun and it was interesting to see how many of each thing we needed to make the scales balance!  We are going to continue learning about weighing things and then we are going to learn about the capacity of different things! 

Friday 10 January 2014

Term 3!

Here we are in Term 3 already!  We are all excited about getting back to school and have been busy learning!  We have started working on ‘measure’ in maths.  We have been learning that you can measure things in lots of ways so we had a go!  We measured lots of different things in the classroom using pencils, rubbers, scissors and even our hands and feet.  It was good fun!  We had to make sure we didn’t leave any gaps between what we were measuring with and we had to only use one thing to measure at a time.  We got lots of different results!  We are really looking forward to learning more about measuring and all the different ways we can measure.