Wednesday 22 January 2014

The Jumblebum Beast!

This morning we had class gym and we changed in the classroom leaving our clothes lying all around the room and because there was so much mess a Jumblebum Beast appeared in our classroom!  What a fright we got when we arrived back from gym to find him sitting in front of the board!  We were a bit scared to begin with but we changed and tidied up really quickly! 

It turned out that he was actually just a pretend Jumblebum that the boys and girls in the nursery had made.  They put him in the classroom to give us a surprise!  It made us chuckle and was very exciting!  We did think carefully thought that we better keep our rooms tidy just incase a Jumblebum does appear! 

Thank you to the nursery for giving us a nice surprise! 
 Us with the Jumblebum Beast!
We're doing our best Jumblebum faces!  

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