Tuesday 27 May 2014

Just a Drop Week

Last week all the pupils of SPS were busy raising money for ‘Just a Drop’ – a charity who helps to provide clean, safe water for people in countries where they don’t have clean water to use.  We learned a lot about why it is important to have clean water.  We enjoyed drinking our bottles of safe, clean water and then filling them up with coppers to raise money.  Some of us also got our face painted and wore blue on Thursday.  As a school we raised over £300 which will provide a lot of clean water for people in Kenya.  Well done SPS!

We learned that boys and girls the same age as us have to walk quite far to get water and even then it isn’t even clean, safe water.  To give us a feeling of what it is like to have to walk for water we walked around the school to the distance of 1km.  We had to walk around the school 4 times to make the equivalent of 1km.  We carried some water with us as the boys and girls have to carry around 20kg of water back with them.  We all decided that we are glad we don’t have to walk for water.  We were tired after our 4 laps but if we did the same distance as the boys and girls in Kenya we would have had to walk around the school 26 times!!  We are glad we can get water so easily but we were feeling proud we had raised money to help other boys and girls.  Here are some pictures of us on our walk.    


Wednesday 21 May 2014

Sharing Sweeties

This week we have been learning about sharing.  We have been taking a large group of items and putting them into smaller groups by sharing.  Today we made sweeties from paper and shared them in groups.  By doing this we have learned how many groups certain numbers can be made into.   

We have also learned that sharing items into groups is the opposite of what we were learning about last week – making small groups into a big group!  This is all helping us to learn about multiplication and division and we are showing a good understanding of it all!  You can help us by asking us questions like’ 4 groups of 2 equals?’  or ‘8 shared between 4 equals?’.  We might need some real items to share!

Here are some of the groups sharing out their ‘sweeties’!

Just A Drop

Just a reminder that it is ‘Just a Drop Week’ at SPS this week.  We are collecting ‘coppers’ to put in our bottles. As you can see we are doing well however, any more coppers would be very welcome!  Tomorrow is also Wear Blue Day where pupils pay 50p to dress up in blue for the whole day! 

Unfortunately we didn’t manage our Just a Drop Walk today because of the rain but hopefully we will manage to do it at some point during the rest of the week. 

Thursday 15 May 2014

Skara Clay!

Yesterday we created our own Skara Brae clay pots.  We moulded some clay into pot or bowl shapes and then we decorated them with our own pattern.  We did this because we think that each house at Skara Brae would have had it’s own pattern on any pottery so that it did not get mixed up with other people’s pottery.  We used lots of different objects to make our unique patterns.  We also made sure we imprinted our thumb well into the pot just like the one found at Skara Brae.  We were thinking that maybe in the future someone might discover our pottery and wonder how we made it and what we were like! 

Friday 2 May 2014

Lots of Learning!

There has been lots of great learning going on in Primary 2 this week!  As well as our visitor on Monday we have been doing spelling, writing and also learning about tens and units in maths.  As Monday was such a beautiful day we decided to do our spelling words outside!  We used chalk to write as many ‘ck’ words as we could on the ground outside.  It was great fun!  We all did really well in our spelling this week so it must have helped us to learn our words! 

We continued our learning about Skara Brae and the interesting jobs of Archaeologists.  We learned that they have to look very, very carefully at objects to find out the clues about them and to find out what they are.  We were all given an object to look at carefully and draw.  We used magnifying glasses to help us pick out the really little details. It was quite tricky! 

Then we had to look at some mystery objects and guess what they were!  It was really difficult and we had to think really carefully if we had seen these things before.  Here’s a picture of them – can you guess them all?!