Friday 2 May 2014

Lots of Learning!

There has been lots of great learning going on in Primary 2 this week!  As well as our visitor on Monday we have been doing spelling, writing and also learning about tens and units in maths.  As Monday was such a beautiful day we decided to do our spelling words outside!  We used chalk to write as many ‘ck’ words as we could on the ground outside.  It was great fun!  We all did really well in our spelling this week so it must have helped us to learn our words! 

We continued our learning about Skara Brae and the interesting jobs of Archaeologists.  We learned that they have to look very, very carefully at objects to find out the clues about them and to find out what they are.  We were all given an object to look at carefully and draw.  We used magnifying glasses to help us pick out the really little details. It was quite tricky! 

Then we had to look at some mystery objects and guess what they were!  It was really difficult and we had to think really carefully if we had seen these things before.  Here’s a picture of them – can you guess them all?! 

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