Monday 28 April 2014

Primary 2 are Archaeologists!

Today we were very fortunate to get a visit from Elaine Clarke, a Historic Scotland Ranger.  She came to talk to us about Skara Brae and she took a ‘magic box’ with her which was full of items from Skara Brae.  These items were very interesting and we were able to be archaeologist detectives and think about what all these items tell us about the people who lived in Skara Brae.  We came to the conclusion that although there are quite a lot of different things about how we live now some of the basic ideas are still the same as those who lived in Skara Brae.  They wanted to have a nice house, a cosy bed, pretty things and to play games – much like us now!  We were very excited to see a piece of pottery which was made by someone who lived in Skara Brae and they left their thumb print on it!  It was tricky for us to think that this thumb print was over 5,000 years old!  We really enjoyed our visit from Elaine and we are now very excited about hopefully going to Skara Brae to see it for ourselves! 

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