Wednesday 23 April 2014

Supermarket Sweep!

Primary 2 have been busy learning about money!  We have been looking at coins and paper money and thinking about the value of each of them.  We also learned about using Debit Cards, Credit Cards and also loyalty cards and how we can use them in banks or shops.  To help us with this learning we have set up a shop outside our classroom.  First we had to plan out or shop and decide how we were going to set it up.  Then we created signs, labels and price tags for our shop.  We had to think carefully about where items went in our shop as we thought it wasn’t a great idea to have shampoo next to our food! 

Now our shop is up and running we are having great fun in it!  Miss Shearer's Uncle has kindly given us a real till to use in our shop.  It really works and we are enjoying getting the receipts printed in the till! 

We are going to continue our learning about money for the next week and any discussions at home about money will help our learning!    

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