Tuesday 6 September 2016

Golden Head Teacher awards!

Well done girls! 
Libby and Gracie have both achieved Golden Head Teacher awards this week for their participation and success in their chosen activities. 
Gracie completed her grade 1 tap dancing exam before the summer and scored highly. 
Libby came 4th in her age group within the junior triathlon at Picky on Sunday!

Excellent achievements. Well done! 

Mini Olympics Basketball

This we we have been competing for mini Olympic medals in basketball. 
Each team played each other and then we had the finals. 
Spain and Brazil showed excellent team Spirit this week is exactly what we have been looking to develop so they received extra bonus points for this. 
Our bronze medal this week went to Australis

In joint second, getting silver, was Team GB and Spain. 

And in first place, winning the Gold medal
For basketball was... Brazil! 

Tuesday 30 August 2016

Jazzing up a sentence.

Today we were looking at commas in clauses. We decided to use whiteboards to help us stretch out our sentence by adding in extra information. We used commas to help us identify the extra information.  We decided to use more of our VCOP knowledge to jazz our sentence up even make and this is what we ended up with. 

The boy was late. 

The mean boy, who was called George, got the Stagecoach bus to school but it was late so he had to walk. 

Mini Olympics

During our class PE sessions we are organising our very own mini Olympics. We have our ourselves into teams of 5 and will compete against each other in a number of different sporting events. 

First up was hockey. 

In 4th place was Team Spain. 

In 3rd place, getting a bronze medal, was Team Brazil. 

In 2nd place, getting a silver medal, was Team Australia. 

And in 1st place, winning the gold medal, was Team GB!! 

Well done to all competitors on their excellent team spirit during the hockey events. Keep it up! 


Mr McIntosh held a super 'teamwork' related assembly as a welcome back to school. We had to think about all the good things we could do to work together as a team in and around the school. We came up with a list of things which will be displayed in every classroom. 

We watched a great clip celebrating the success of Team GB during the 2016 Rio Olympics.  We spoke about how teamwork was vital to each event and how the sport men and women supported each other through the games.  This is what we are looking to achieve in our school. 

Bench Buddies

Primary 5 are carrying on the work we started on conflict resolution last year. 

We finished the buddy benches and decided on a system for how we wanted them to work. 

We thought about where the benches would go, what our jobs would be and how we would be identified as helpers. 
We shared this information with the playground supervisors by organising a meeting and then shared the same information with the rest of the school during Mondays assembly. 

Welcome back!

Welcome back to Primary 5!

After a very long summer holiday we are all settled back in to school life.  We are getting used to our new timetable and routines and are working hard on being bigger and more responsible primary 5's! 

Keep popping back for updates and to find out what is happening in our class and round about the school. 

Tuesday 17 May 2016

Duck visit

I'm This week P4 are all taking part in presenting 1 minute talks on a topic of their choice. 

They have all been doing really well and we have lots of confident presenters in the class. 

It was Ewan's turn today and he took in his pet duck to show us. He took it round the school to show everyone else too. 

Good job with the presentations everyone.

Saturday 14 May 2016


Primary 4 start their 4 week block of swimming on Monday! 

Please bring your swimming kit (costume, towel and shampoo/shower gel)

Spread the word! 

Doctor visit

On Thursday afternoon Dr Sheehan kindly came to visit us to share some information about her job and how she helps people to get better and stay healthy. She showed us some of the equipment she uses every day to help find out what is wrong with people and what she might use in an emergency. 
It was very interesting to hear all about the job of a doctor. 

Finding out our heart rates and how much oxygen is in our blood. 

Using a stethoscope to listen to our heartbeats. 

Testing our reflexes. 

Finding veins. 

The emergency kit bag! We learned all about the ABCs of medicine today! Airways, breathing, circulation! 

Learning more about where we live

On Wednesday P4 went to Stromness Museum to find out more about Stromness 100 years ago. We each had to find out face next to a well known character and find out a bit about them. 

On the way to the museum P4 explored some of the peedie lanes around the town. We had a super wander and envelope managed time for a peedie play at Ness Playpark. 

Monday 9 May 2016

Scottish Water Competition winners

Back in October, staff from Scottish Water came to the school to tell us all about the work that they will be undertaking in Stromness over the next while. They gave us the chance to enter a safety poster competition. The winners posters will be made into large billboards for around th work sites in the town. 
In the P3&4 category, Annie was runner up, receiving a £10 book token, and the winner was Erin, winning a £20 book token. Well done girls! 

Buddy bench painting

We have made a start painting up 1 of the 3 buddy benches. Annie's design was chosen as the winner. 

Here we are undercoating the bench. We will get onto the bright colours soon. 

We are looking to have the benches out in the playground in the next few weeks. 

Egg-citing challenge

In topic we have been learning about the skeleton. We learned that our bones are strong and help to protect our main organs. We took on a fun challenge to end the week which involved us designing a protective case for an egg. We would be dropping the egg from a height and we had to try and stop the egg from breaking. We also had to try and do this by adding the least amount of packaging around our egg.   It was great fun dropping the eggs and only 1 team managed to save their egg! 

Stromness in the past

As part of the World War 1 commemoration project primary 4 are taking a closer look at Stromness 100 years ago. We are looking at photos of Stromness in the early 1900's and will be aiming to take updated versions showing the changes in the town over the last 100 years. 

Tuesday 19 April 2016

Conflict Resolution

As part of the Battle of Jutland commemorations, SPS are working on developing our skills in the area of conflict resolution. P4 are taking on a project to develop this in the playground setting and are going to be trained up to be mini playground pals alongside the P7's.  We have had some wooden benches made for the playground to use as Buddy Benches. We are working on some designs and will get them painted up soon. 

Viking Voyage to Stromness Library

P4 have had their model longships on display in Stromness Library during the Easter holidays. Sarah from the library told us the the display has attracted lots of visitors to the library so we are keeping there for a bit longer yet. 

 All the boats look super in our mini exhibition! 

Easter Baking

We finished the term off with some Easter fun. We completed an Easter egg hunt around the playground and made some Easter nests. 

Viking History Trip

At the end of term P4 went on a trip to learn more about Viking history in Orkney. First we visited Maeshowe to see the Viking runes left over from when the Vikings broke into the Neolithic cairn to shelter from a snowstorm.  The the Historic Rangers took us on a tour of Kirkwall town and shared lots of historical facts with us before we finished the day with a guided tour of St Magnus Cathedral.  

We also had a bit of free time and Brandyquoy play park. 

Thursday 17 March 2016

Sport Relief

I'm SPS had great fun celebrating Sport Relief this afternoon. Staff v P7s netball game, stalls, activities and bake off competition...lots of fun to be had by all. 

A big well done to Libby for her super swimming pool cake. Her cake was judged as one of the top 3 in the school. 

Tuesday 15 March 2016

Badger the Mystical Mutt

Yesterday P1-4 were treated to a super show by Laura Jackson and her mystical mutt Badger. Laura read some of her first book to us and Badger showed us his magic tricks.