Monday 29 February 2016

January / February

As our topic is Vikings this term we have been participating in a range of Viking related activities.  Above shows photos of us making ourselves into mini vikings using material and making sure we dress ourselves in the correct viking clothing.

We also learned about Viking Longships.  We found out that the average longship was 28 metres in length so we decided to find out how big this was.  We used metre sticks and trundle wheels to measure the distance out in the playground.  Group 1 found out that 28m was from P1 to P4 classroom windows.  Group 2 found out that 28m was the length of the muga.

Miss Kelday then set a homework challenge which asked us to build our own model longships.  We had 4 weeks to work on these with an adult at home and could use any materials we liked.

Here are some photos of our longships...  feel free to pop into school for a look.

James and Glen still to be photographed

In maths we have worked extremely hard on our addition and subtraction skills.  We have learned all about 100 squares, empty number lines and partitioning.  We decided to take a peedie break from this and move on to position and movement.  We have been learning all about giving directions this week and used a remote controlled car to do this.  We used command such as forward, right and left turns to direct the car and also included distances.  We had to type in the directions and watch the car move around the track (we built this ourselves - we gave ourselves a big challenge!!)  We made a few mistakes but persevered and corrected them to successfully move the car from the beginning to end in one full run.  We were very proud of each other as this was a super challenging task! 

One of our optional homework tasks this term was to learn a card game to teach to other members of the class.  Lots of people took part and we spent some time playing card games and teaching each other the rules.  

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