Sunday 5 February 2017

Term 3 so far...

In term 2 we read Harry Potter for our class novel.  We enjoyed reading about the Wizzarding game of Quidditch so decided to give it a go ourselves this term.  We had to amend some of the rules to make play a bit easier but had brilliant fun playing it all the same. 
Here we are 'flying' about on our 'broomsticks' trying to score as many points as we could.  

Burns Day
To commemorate Burns Day 3 pupils from P5 read the Selkirk Grace and Address to a Haggis before lunch on Wednesday 25th. 

We then held a whole school assembly sharing the information we had learned about Robert Burns. 

A few of the keen fiddlers played Auld Lang Syne, accompanied by Jean Leonard on the piano...
and a guitar too...

A super assembly P5, well done! 

Long Overdue Update! 
We were super busy in P5 during term 1 and 2, so busy that we forgot to post updates on our class blog.

Here are some of the highlights of P5 so far...

We spent time measuring using a variety of tools and units of measurement.  Some of us were looking at metres while others focused on centimetres and millimetres. 

To celebrate this year's Rio Olympics, P5 held their own mini-olympic competitions.  We split into teams and chose a country to represent.  We then played a variety of sports including hockey, basketball and rhythmic gymnastics. Each week the teams were awarded bronze, silver and gold medals depending on their overall score and attitude to the games.  We focused on positive attitudes and respect towards others as well as good sportsmanship. 

Through the Orkney Science Festival we were treated to a visit from a group offering us information about the links between music and the brain.  We learned lots of facts about how the brain worked and enjoyed some super music at the same time.  We created dances which demonstrated the process of brain function to a catchy ceilidh tune.  Great fun! 

We also had a very cute visitor to the class!  Awwww! 

With the 'Our World' topic, we were learning all about Natural Disasters.  We learned about Tsunamis and then created our own tsunami in the water tray. 

SPS and Glaitness were lucky enough to receive visits from the Travelling Theatre for Schools back in term 2.  We watched a performance called 'Shopping for Shoes'.  It was a great performance which involved telling a story through the use of cardboard boxes and shoes.  Fascinating!  

Little groups created and presented information about Tsunamis.  One team even created a quiz to test us on our knowledge.  Great work! 

The last competition within the Mini Olympics block of work in class PE.  Everyone put in their full effort and the sequences created were super. 

In term 2 we became super scientists.  We were learning all about changing materials / solids, liquids and gases.  
We started with melting and tried to slow down the melting process and time how long it took for our inc block to melt.  

We also made it rain in the classroom after learning about the water cycle.  This was very interesting. 

Miss Kelday set us a fun homework task based on our dissolving topic.  We had to follow a recipe to create our own flat lemonade through dissolving a few ingredients together.  Damon took his ingredients into class and gave us all a taste of his lemonade recipe.  It was delicious! 

P5 organised Children in Need this year.  We started the day with a crazy assembly full of challenges.  Junior end pupils had to do the Chubby Bunny challenge while senior pupils chomped on as many cream crackers as they could in 1 minute.  The staff had the sour sweetie challenge and pie face show down.  

We then organised a number of stalls in the afternoon to help raise money for the charity.  Everyone had lots of fun visiting the stalls and then we all had a peedie disco in the hall to finish. 

P5 and SPS raised a total of £600.71 in total for Children in Need. 

During term 2, we visited the Stromness Library every week. This was to help us with our First Minister's Reading Challenge.  We challenged ourselves to access more books and read for longer periods of time.

As part of our chemical reaction learning we created salt dough volcanoes.  We then mixed some kitchen ingredients together and watched the chemical reactions take place. 

December became a flurry of Christmas fun!  

We thoroughly enjoyed the Rainbow Science experiments. 
We started by learning about chromatography.  Once we knew how it worked we had to become detectives and suss out who had committed a sneaky skittle eating crime.  

We had a bit more fun with Skittles too.  This was amazing to watch!