Sunday 5 February 2017

Term 3 so far...

In term 2 we read Harry Potter for our class novel.  We enjoyed reading about the Wizzarding game of Quidditch so decided to give it a go ourselves this term.  We had to amend some of the rules to make play a bit easier but had brilliant fun playing it all the same. 
Here we are 'flying' about on our 'broomsticks' trying to score as many points as we could.  

Burns Day
To commemorate Burns Day 3 pupils from P5 read the Selkirk Grace and Address to a Haggis before lunch on Wednesday 25th. 

We then held a whole school assembly sharing the information we had learned about Robert Burns. 

A few of the keen fiddlers played Auld Lang Syne, accompanied by Jean Leonard on the piano...
and a guitar too...

A super assembly P5, well done! 

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