Monday 9 December 2013

School Closure Activities

School Closure Activities

In the event of a school closure here is a list of different activities to do at home.

1.   Read a book and write a ‘book review’ detailing why you liked the book and writing about some of your favourite parts.

2.   Write an exciting story – you could use your character you’ve made in school or create something entirely new.  Why not look out your window for some ideas.

3.   If the weather is snowy then build a snowman.  See if  you can build it more than a meter tall and make sure you give him eyes, nose, a mouth and a hat and scarf to keep him warm.  Take a picture to show us when we go back to school!

4.   Another snow activity – try and find out the best way to make snowballs.  Is it easier to make them with or without gloves?  What kind of gloves are best to use?  Show someone at home how to make one!

5.   Play some counting games.  Share out objects between everyone at home.  Create addition sums with items you can find around the house.  Practice your number ordering by setting out objects, counting things or just saying your numbers out loud!

6.   Keep a diary of what you have been up to while the school is closed.

7.   Have a look out your window and create a picture of what you can see.  You could use all kinds of different ways to create your picture like pens, pencil or even scraps of paper and materials you have at home!

Friday 29 November 2013

Christmas Craft Afternoon

Just a reminder about our Christmas Craft Afternoon on Monday.  We will be making snowflakes, paperchains, santas and Snow Globes.  Feel free to pop in during the afternoon!

Investigating Materials

This week we have been doing some investigating in Primary 2.  As part of our materials project we investigated how the Three Little Pigs made their houses and which was the best material to build out of.  Fortunately, we didn’t need a wolf as we used Miss Stockan’s hairdryer instead! 

We found out that bricks were the best material for building with as the sticks and the straw blew down and blew away!

It was great fun!  Here are some photos of us building and investigating!

Friday 22 November 2013

Children In Need

Last week we organised some fundraising in the school for Children In Need.  On Friday afternoon all the classes got to go to the different activities and we think they really enjoyed them!  Here are some pictures! 

 Sleepover in the Hall 

Penny Pudsey
Mini Fair and Baking Stall

It was a great afternoon and best of all we managed to raise £440.50!  We had already raised £150 by selling Pudsey Bands so we raised £590.50 in total!  Well Done Stromness Primary School!

Monday 18 November 2013

Our Assembly

Last week we had our assembly all about Children In Need.  We worked really hard all week to prepare - we wrote all our own lines and made our own props and posters!  It was great fun and the audience really enjoyed our performance!

Active Maths

We have been trying to keep our maths as active as we can in P2 as we think it is a good way to learn!  Here are some photos of us at the beginning of term working on ordering numbers using whiteboards.  We even did some tricky challenges with big numbers!

Monday 11 November 2013

Children In Need

Just a reminder that this Friday is Children In Need Day!  Don't forget to wear your pyjamas!  There will also be a sleepover with Mr Taylor in the Hall, Penny Pudsey, Mini Fair and Baking in Primary 5!  P2 are really looking forward to raising money for Children In Need.  We will are also busy learning the 'Jump Up and Dance' routine.  If you want to learn it at home follow the link below!

Friday 11 October 2013

Happy Holidays!

We've had a brilliant first term in P2!  We've been really busy learning and getting into the routines we have in P2!  We've also had lots and lots of fun!

I hope you all have a lovely holiday and will look forward to hearing all your news when you all come back to school! 

Owl Painting

When Amy Malcolm visited us she gave us some clay and made peedie owls with us.  This week we painted them!   They are looking very owl like!  Thanks again to Amy for coming in to visit us and having so much fun with us!

Tuesday 8 October 2013

Orienteering in P2

Today Mr Bingham came into our class and told us that he had spoken to some very worried parents in the playground who couldn't find their children and their children's friends.  It turned out that it was Biff, Chip and Kipper's Mum and Dad.  Mr Bingham asked us if we could have a look for them in the playground.  When we found them we had to stick a special sticker on them to show that we had found them!  It was lots of fun!  We worked very quickly and found them all!  P2 would like to thank Mr Bingham for organising such a fun activity! 

John Rae's Fiddle

As part of our John Rae week, Mark Shiner (Stella's Dad!), came into school to talk to us about John Rae's fiddle.  He fixed it up and made it work again after over 100 years!  It was very interesting and we got to hear a clip of the fiddle being played.  We found out that it had strings made out of 'guts' and that's why it sounded a little bit different to the fiddles we listen to today!

Wednesday 2 October 2013

John Rae Week continues...

Today we have been learning lots about John Rae and his life!  This morning we had a visit from Sheila Garson who told us all about John Rae when he was a peedie boy.  We learned that his life was very different from ours and that he loved to be outside doing things.  He had a boat and he could hunt and shoot things from when he was very young.  We saw some pictures of him from a book.  It was great to hear all about his early life.

In the afternoon we had a visit from Tom Muir who told us all about John Rae's life as an explorer.  We found out that he was a qualified surgeon by the time he was 19 and that he went on many expeditions.  We also learned that he know how to make houses out of snow and that on one expedition he used tin plates as oars on his boat as they didn't have any!  It was very interesting to hear all about his adventures in a different country. 

We are looking forward to the rest of John Rae week and all the activities that are planned!

Monday 30 September 2013

John Rae Week Begins...

We kicked off John Rae week with a visit to Stromness Museum to have a look around the exhibition about John Rae's life.  We got to see lots of things that he used and things that he owned and was interested in.  We also really enjoyed having a look around the rest of the museum! On our way there we stopped at the Statue of John Rae.  We saw that he was carrying a gun and a knife for hunting.  We are looking forward to finding out lots more about his life and why he is important to Orkney.

All Things Owl!

Last Wednesday we had a visit from RSPB Field Teacher Amy Malcolm.  She came to tell us all about animals that come out at night - nocturnal animals.  We learned about different kinds of nocturnal animals and how they use their senses to help them find their way around in the dark.  We were most interested in Owls and Amy took in some owl pellets to dissect.  We found out that Owl eat their food whole and then cough up the bones and fur in a pellet.  We used cocktail sticks to dissect the pellets and we took out all the little bones.  It was a little bit yucky but once we started to find all the bones we got very excited.  We all found loads of bones in our little pellets and we got a sheet to see if we could find out what animal the bones were from.  It was lots of fun and we really enjoyed being bone detectives!  We also got to make clay owls which we are going to decorate and take home with us before the holidays.  Here are some pictures of us hard at the dissecting!  Don't look too closely if you are squeamish! 

Monday 23 September 2013

Magical Moondust!

In writing last week we were learning about creating a setting for our stories.  We decided to set our story on the moon but we had a little problem - none of us know exactly what the moon is like!  We looked at pictures, listened to some moon music and we also played with some moon dust to make craters like the surface of the moon!  Some of us even made copies of Neil Armstrong's footprints!  We had lots of fun and it gave us some really good ideas for our writing although we only just started our stories - we are going to finish them off this week and then Miss Shearer will put them on the Blog! Until then here are some photos of us seeing what moon dust is like!


Monday 16 September 2013

Planning, doing and reviewing!

We had our second week of plan do review last week and it was a big success!  We all planned something to do and then we used all the different materials in the classroom to help us do and create it!  Some people made small things and some people made big things!  We are still working on most of the things so we will post photos of them when they are finished in our plan do review display but until then here are some photos of works in progress!

Dramatic Stars and Planets.

Last week in Drama we were doing lots of pretending!  We were pretending to be the sun, moon and earth and worked together to make a dance showing how they move around each other.  We used a starry piece of music to help us.  We all came up with some different moves in our groups and they were really good!  We are going to work on them this week and make them a little bit longer and maybe even introduce some other stars or planets!  You can see us spinning around in the photos.  Can you work out who is the moon, sun and earth?

Sunday 8 September 2013

Barnie the Beaver

This week P2 wrote about Barnie the Beaver's adventures!  Barnie is our class Beaver and P2 had great fun thinking up all the different adventures he had been on!  He travelled the world, ate ice cream and even went to see the Queen!  We all worked really hard to make our stories exciting and some people even managed to draw a picture to go with their story!  Here are our stories!

 Annie's Story
Ashley's Story
Damon's Story
Daniel's Story
Erin's Story
Ewan's Story
Fraser's Story
Gracie's Story
Jack's Story
James' Story
Katy's Story
Kyle's Story
Libby's Story
Mia's Story
Noah's Story
Sarah's Story
Shannyn's Story
Stella's Story

Tara's Story

Taylor's Story

Tom's Story

Will's Story