Tuesday 25 February 2014

A vist from Clyde!

Yesterday SPS were very lucky to get a visit from Commonwealth Games Mascot CLYDE!  He came to tell us all about the Commonwealth games.  He took his friend, Fraser, with him to tell us all about them too! 

We were very exited when Mr McIntosh told us we were getting a special visitor.
We had to shout Clyde's name really loud so he could hear us!  Then he came in! 

Fraser and Clyde told us lots of information about the Commonwealth Games.  Then they gave us a quiz!  We got the answers all right!
Then Clyde wanted to race a teacher!  We picked Miss Kelday!  The raced up and down the hall.

Before we knew it, it was time to say goodbye to Clyde.  We had a whole school photograph taken with him before he left!
We were very lucky to get the chance to meet Clyde as he is a very busy mascot! We said a big thank you and off he went!  A fun way to spend Monday afternoon!

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